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- ItemAdoecimento de professores iniciantes no exercício da docência e a surdez do sistema de ensino estadual/MT(Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso, 2022-05-31) Silveira, Ester Landvoigt da; Rocha, Simone Albuquerque da; 138.091.800-68; http://lattes.cnpq.br/6364731326374137; Rocha, Simone Albuquerque da; 138.091.800-68; http://lattes.cnpq.br/6364731326374137; Santos, Ivanete Rodrigues dos; 378.054.601-91; http://lattes.cnpq.br/5282830494613557; Calil, Ana Maria Gimenes Corrêa; 098.683.768-74; http://lattes.cnpq.br/4815046589018403This research approaches as main theme the professional practice of beginner teachers and deployment concerning the relation between work and health. It is inserted in the Postgraduate Program in Education of the Federal University of Mato Grosso/University Campus of Rondonópolis, currently Federal University of Rondonópolis (UFR). The research was delineated by the following interrogations: What justifies the expressive incidence of beginner teachers, appointed through the public tender of 2017, present illness conditions in the initial phase of the profession? Is there a relation between the teaching work and the illness of beginner teachers in teaching service in public schools of the state education network in Rondonópolis/MT? The objective of the research was: comprehend the context of illness in beginner/entrant teachers in the state of MT since 2017 and to what they attribute the health situation they are in. To reach the general objective, the studies sought to answer the following specific objectives: Register what teachers point out about the process of insertion and reception in the schools, when they entered them after the tender in 2017; Analyze possible relations between teaching work and illness, pointed out in the perceptions of the newly appointed teachers; Register what procedures ill teachers point out to ease the conditions that they passed through in their journey in the school. It was determined the qualitative approach and were used document analysis, studies of reference broadening on the theme and semi structured interview. The results point out that, the misinformation, the absence of interpersonal relations in the workplace and the lack of projects and programs and policies of reception, insertion and induction of beginner teachers in MT has been the biggest cause of illness among professionals.
- ItemAlfabetização a partir do trabalho com sequência didática : reflexões sobre o processo de aprendizagem de leitura e escrita(Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso, 2019-08-28) Conceição, Marcilene Muniz Monteiro; Rodrigues, Sílvia de Fátima Pilegi; 593.733.931-20; http://lattes.cnpq.br/4246647189370104; Rodrigues, Sílvia de Fátima Pilegi; 593.733.931-20; http://lattes.cnpq.br/4246647189370104; Cardoso, Cancionila Janzkovski; 318.155.451-00; http://lattes.cnpq.br/0310526239909234; Bertoldo, Sandra Regina Franciscatto; 716.704.830-53; http://lattes.cnpq.br/9412354367060943The main theme of this study is the literacy and the use of didactic sequences as a work methodology. The study is linked to the Research Group Literacy (ALFALE), Graduate Program in Education, Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences, Federal University of Mato Grosso - University Campus of Rondonópolis (PPGEdu / CUR / UFMT), in the research line Languages, Culture and Knowledge Construction: historical and contemporary perspectives. Thus, the problematic of the discussion proposed here is if the use of didactic sequence is an effective methodological resource to support the learning of students who are lagging behind the writing skills for the school period. Seen in these terms, this work is a research with qualitative approach, and uses the case study as it allows to investigate an event in depth, as the 4 cases presented in this paper. The main objective was to analyze if the use of didactic sequence - the methodological option adopted by this researcher -, constitutes an efficient methodological resource for the students to be literate, thus contributing for them to develop the writing skills. The theoretical support is anchored in the work of Zabala (1998) to support the discussions and propositions about didactic sequence; on literacy and appropriation of the alphabetic writing system is mainly supported by Gontijo (2002), Morais (2012) and Ferreiro and Teberosky (1999). The research was conducted with 04 students of the 2nd year of elementary school who participated in the Project Believe, proposed as a support to the learning of those who present knowledge gap in relation to the content worked in the classroom. Thus, the productions of these 4 students were selected for the analysis developed in this dissertation. As this is a longitudinal study, data collection started with the students of the 2nd year, in 2017, and continued in the first semester of 2018, following the same group, already in the 3rd year, which corresponds to the cycle of literacy. Above all, I consider it important that other teachers follow the didactic sequence proposed by Zabala (1998) to carry out their weekly planning, considering that for me the work was fruitful and such methodology proved to be fruitful as can be seen in the graph with the evolution of students' writing hypotheses. Given what has been exposed in this paper, I intend to contribute to the discussions on the methodology of didactic sequences, especially in the conception of Zabala (1998), based on which I developed my planning, since it has been shown to be a methodology that provides meaningful learning to the students.
- ItemAlfabetização e gêneros textuais : um estudo da canção como proposta didática(Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso, 2018-08-24) Florentino, Poliana Rodrigues; Trevisan, Marlon Dantas; 373.749.901-20; http://lattes.cnpq.br/1960230694022150; Trevisan, Marlon Dantas; 373.749.901-20; http://lattes.cnpq.br/1960230694022150; Bertoldo, Sandra Regina Franciscatto; 716.704.830-53; http://lattes.cnpq.br/9412354367060943; Martins, Rosana Maria; 487.111.101-63; http://lattes.cnpq.br/0099631864718875; Ramos, Isaac Newton Almeida; 272.046.771-53; http://lattes.cnpq.br/9765536795643397The present research of bibliographical character reflects on the enunciative theory of Bakhtin, especially with regard to the textual genres and the possible links with the processes of acquisition of reading and writing, highlighting in such context the role of the song genre. The work is linked to the research line "Languages, Culture and Knowledge Construction: Historical and Contemporary Perspective" and to the Literacy and Literacy study group (ALFALE) of the Post-Graduate Program in Education of the University Campus of Rondonópolis, Federal University of Mato Grosso (PPGEdu / CUR / UFMT). Literacy is approached from the perspective of textual genres as teaching objects, a proposal that has been consolidating in the contemporary world. In this way, the song was chosen as a genre to be analyzed, so it reveals aesthetic, social, affective, and logical possibilities, as it presents statements and no more syllables or loose words, in the literacy routines. It is also intended to discuss the historical path of literacy, its conflicts, tensions, sound approaches, theoretical and methodological advances, contributing in Mendonça (2011), Marcuschi (2008), among others; for reflection on genres, the contributions of authors such as Dolz, Schneuwly, Noverraz (2004), Mortatti (2017), Soares (2004), Bakhtin (2011); with regard to the musical language, stands out Gordon (2000) and Jeandot (1997). As a general objective, we sought to reflect on the teaching of reading and writing, investigating the links between literacy concepts, textual genres, nature of the song and the didactic sequence proposed by Dolz, Schneuwly, Noverraz (2004), on this occasion oriented by the song and the prospect of literate literacy. In order to relate, illustrate and consolidate these propositions, a didactic unit (sequence) was developed for literacy classes of the first year – first cycle – Elementary School, in which gains are verified for the pedagogical practices intended with the effort of the search. The course of work revealed how challenging the theme is, because of the richness, complexity and effectiveness of the song genre as an object of instruction in literacy routines.
- ItemAlfabetização e gêneros textuais : uma análise das práticas docentes no âmbito do pró-letramento de Mato Grosso(Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso, 2013-02-22) Santos, Márcia Ormonde Portela dos; Cardoso, Cancionila Janzkovski; 318.155.451-00; http://lattes.cnpq.br/0310526239909234; Cardoso, Cancionila Janzkovski; 0310526239909234; http://lattes.cnpq.br/0310526239909234; Albuquerque, Eliana Borges Correia de; 573.072.534-53; http://lattes.cnpq.br/0377713500986284; Salgado, Raquel Gonçalves; 001.646.567-90; http://lattes.cnpq.br/1165554868380123This research started with the concern related to teachers’ continuing education and the increase of new methodologies in the classroom work, more specifically in literacy. Its main goal, ProLiteracy, implemented by MEC (Ministry of Education and Culture) in 2005, in partnership with the municipal taeching network in the municipality of Rondonópolis, State of Mato Grosso, in the year 2010, has effectively contributed for the increase of new methodologies in the teachers’ pratices, mostly in their work with genres in literacy. The theoretical framework of this study involves the concepts of literacy following the perspective by Soares (2000; 2004; 2006), Kleiman (2008), Cardoso (2000; 2003; 2008), Mortatti (2004), among others, as well as the conceptions of language in the perspective of genre theory by Bakhtin (1997; 2010), and in the teaching reinterpretations of the theme by theoreticians such as Dolz and Schneuwly (2004), Marcuschi ([2002]; 2005; 2008;). The research presents as methodological procedures the qualitative analysis of the data, based on etnographical research. Thus, according to André (1995), the researcher must approach people, places, situations, for a limited time in order to keep direct contact with the object of study. Besides that, the environment, testimonies, dialogues description are characteristic of this type of research, and the data collected must be rebuilt as words and verbatim (literal transcription) of the testimonies, dialogues and interviews. In that order, the field research lasted throughout the second semester in 2011, with the observation of the classes by three research subjects, literacy teachers, who joined the ProLiteracy continuing education training in 2010, offered by the Municipal Education Board, and herein one subject who belongs to the first, another one to the second and the other to the third phase or stage of the first cycle, respectively. Besides the classes observation and semi structured interviews, initial and final ones, document analyses were carried out, in order to catch the dynamics of the pedagogical practice and establish relationships between the orientations of the ProLitercay program and the work with writing, developed by the subjects of the research, related to the theme genres. The interview analysis carried out enables us to say that the teachers consider the ProLitercay Program, and some other programs designed for literacy teachers, of fundamental importance for the improvement of quality in the educational field. Besides that, the teachers let show, in their practices, teaching procedures that are intimately related to orientations that are part of the material that belong to the ProLiteracy Program, which suggest to the literacy teacher a more meaningful work with the use of the language in real situations, literacy-related, materialized by means of activities with the genres. Another aspect to be highlighted is that there is a variety of genres that are used in the observed literacy classrooms, with an increasing progression in terms of quantity; from the first to the third phase or stage, however, the way this process is carried out depends on internal factors of the school (projects inserted in the PPP in every unity), along with teachers’ knowledge as individuals.
- ItemAlfabetização e letramento em salas multifases da educação do campo, no contexto do Pacto Nacional pela Alfabetização na Idade Certa (PNAIC)(Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso, 2016-10-14) Siqueira, Maria Aparecida de Oliveira; Cardoso, Cancionila Janzkovski; 318.155.451-00; http://lattes.cnpq.br/0310526239909234; Cardoso, Cancionila Janzkovski; 318.155.451-00; http://lattes.cnpq.br/0310526239909234; Amâncio, Lázara Nanci de Barros; 687.440.568-34; http://lattes.cnpq.br/5217828534180561; Souza, Regina Aparecida Marques de; 543.078.301-30; http://lattes.cnpq.br/6284275543259563; Rodrigues, Sílvia de Fátima Pilegi; 593.733.931-20; http://lattes.cnpq.br/4246647189370104This research, entitled Literacy in multiphase rooms of Rural Education, in the context of the Pacto Nacional pela Alfabetização na Idade Certa (PNAIC), is linked to the Graduate Program in Education of the Federal University of Mato Grosso, College of Rondonópolis (PPGEDU/UFMT/CUR), research line of Languages, Culture and Knowledge Construction, and was hosted by the research group Alfabetização e Letramento Escolar (ALFALE). The focus of this research is on the following question: How is the teaching of native language in multiphase rooms with children from early years of elementary school, in countryside schools, from the perspective of teaching illiterate children in the context of PNAIC? In order to answer this question, the main purpose of the research is to analyze the process of teaching the native language, focusing the teaching on children starting elementary school, triggered by two teachers of multiphase rooms in rural schools, in the context of PNAIC. In line with this general objective, three specific objectives were defined: a) Identify the strategies used by the teachers on the process of teaching, regards the organization of time and space; b) Identify how the teachers work the axes, currently suggested to native language education; c) Identify aspects worked for the formation of PNAIC used in practice by the teachers. This qualitative study of ethnographic type used questionnaire, semi-structured interviews, planning documents and field research as tools for data gathering and observation protocols to record the daily practices of the teachers. This research is based on the design of supported language of Bakhtin, understood as historical, concrete and social. The literature review of scientific work (theses, dissertations and articles in journals and conference proceedings), in the period 2006-2015, showed that the binomial "literacy and letters in Rural Education" is still little discussed on the basis of data consulted. Data were analyzed from the Axes proposed by PNAIC for native language teaching. The results indicate that the work with the identification of letters, syllables and words for understanding the alphabetic writing system (SEA) and phonological reflection of the writing of the words was more evident in the practice of Teacher Val, performing it every day she was assisted. Moreover, the axes Text Writing and Linguistic Knowledge Production were more evident in the practice of teacher Lu. The axis Reading Comprehension was evidenced in 100% of the days observed both in the practice of Lu as well as Val. Research has shown that both the practice of Lu as well as Val prevail elements of a more traditional concept of the native language education. However, both have tried with very great effort to ensure a quality job in creating opportunities for the advancement of their students, first in reading as well as in writing, incorporating their practices to the classroom methodology aspects suggested by the formation of PNAIC. Finally, the observations inform that the rural schools 14 de Agosto and Marajá, despite being located in the countryside, work along the lines of an urban school, because, at least in the observed period, the teachers gave little emphasis on specific valuation context the students are inserted.
- ItemAlguns apontamentos sobre a inclusão de estudante com autismo em escola de ensino regular de Rondonópolis(Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso, 2020-12-16) Lopes, Naiara de Oliveira Basílio; Freitas, Nivaldo Alexandre de; 251.475.898-05; http://lattes.cnpq.br/7697583593525598; Freitas, Nivaldo Alexandre de; 251.475.898-05; http://lattes.cnpq.br/7697583593525598; Trovão, Flávio Vilas-Bôas; 850.494.179-53; http://lattes.cnpq.br/2740243377988037; Alves, Josineide Vieira; 659.701.364-68; http://lattes.cnpq.br/5816517747223398Including a student with autism in the regular school network, this is a very current problem and has brought with it many challenges and struggles for its effectiveness. The main objective of this study is to analyze the inclusion modality offered to the Rondonópolis municipal school. For this purpose, a bibliographic search was initially used, I do not intend to seek references on autism, as well as on situations of inclusion and segregation that the student with autism suffers at school. In addition, observations were made in classrooms (regular and resource) and interviews with three teachers, two from the regular classroom and one from the resource classroom, as a pedagogical coordinator of a school in the city of Rondonópolis, MT, to understand how the student with autism it is taken care of in the institution in question, both in the resource room and in the regular classroom. The main results show that, although the school has a room with vast and diversified pedagogical resources, it still restores some pre-lit schools, mainly for teacher training. It was also found that despite the teachers receiving continued training, there is no comprehensive training on the inclusion of a student with autism, or that hinders this action, mainly not because it comes from a regular classroom, going as or advocating the Law No. 13,146 / 2015 - Brazilian Law for the Inclusion of People with Disabilities and also the National Policy on Special Education in the Perspective of Inclusive Education (2008). In addition, there are some suggestions to contribute not to the debate on the inclusion of students with autism but not regular students. A survey also showed, through the debate and the contribution of teachers and coordinator, the need for greater investment in quality public policies that have an approach focused on the inclusion of students with autism, as it provides greater support to the faculty . I also declare through the teachers' faculty that I present through actions and documentation from the school community that I can include the permanence of students with autism spectrum in a regular classroom, provided to the person or sent to receive a quality badge that will serve to that is included in society in general.
- ItemAnálise da relação entre fracasso escolar – leitura – alfabetização em uma pesquisa do tipo estado do conhecimento(Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso, 2021-09-13) Silva, Cristiane Freitas Pereira da; Rodrigues, Sílvia de Fátima Pilegi; 593.733.931-20; http://lattes.cnpq.br/4246647189370104; Rodrigues, Sílvia de Fátima Pilegi; 593.733.931-20; http://lattes.cnpq.br/4246647189370104; Freitas, Nivaldo Alexandre de; 251.475.898-05; http://lattes.cnpq.br/7697583593525598; Rossi, Maria Aparecida Lopes; 168.223.821-00; http://lattes.cnpq.br/3034112641320213This research is linked to the Postgraduate Program in Education, of the Human and Social Sciences Institute, of the Federal University of Mato Grosso (UFMT) – University Campus of Rondonópolis (PPGEdu/ICHS/UFMT/CUR), in the research line Languages, Culture and Knowledge Construction: historical and contemporary perspectives, bound to the Research Group Alphabetization and School Literacy (ALFALE). The main objective is to analyze how it has been investigated the correlation School Failure – Reading – Literacy, by researchers and postgraduate students in Brazil, from a research of the type state of knowledge taking as locus for the obtainment of data the constant records on the Brazilian Digital Library of Dissertations and Theses (BDTD). It is a research of qualitative nature guided by the Content Analysis (BARDIN, 2011), inside this approach, it was opted for the use of a research of bibliographic nature of the type state of knowledge. For the data gathering with the Brazilian Digital Library of Dissertations and Theses (BDTD), it was used the terms: school failure, reading and literacy in the space advanced search, in the period from 2002 to 2019. At first it was obtained 55 papers, being 42 theses and 13 dissertations. Soon after, we proceeded with the floating reading of the materials, starting with the master's theses and then the doctoral theses, continuing the investigation, contemplating all the steps recommended by the chosen method, with the hypothesis that, when mapping, investigate and knowing what has been produced from academic-scientific knowledge on this subject makes it possible to advance in other research fronts, as well as contributing to the confrontation of school failure. This balance showed that, although these dialogues are not new in our country, there is still much to be debated today. Furthermore, there is still, albeit in a subtle way, a certain culture of blaming the production of school failure, although there are suggestions for possible interventions that minimize the historical and social impacts on the lives of those who suffer this phenomenon, being excluded and marginalized by failure in literacy and lack of appropriation of reading.
- ItemAprendiz de professora : as narrativas sobre o processo de constituição da identidade docente dos licenciandos de Matemática(Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso, 2012-12-11) Martins, Rosana Maria; Rocha, Simone Albuquerque da; 138.091.800-68; http://lattes.cnpq.br/6364731326374137; Rocha, Simone Albuquerque da; 138.091.800-68; http://lattes.cnpq.br/6364731326374137; Silva, Adelmo Carvalho da; 630.359.101-97; http://lattes.cnpq.br/9761986149148049; Fiorentini, Dario; 180.845.160-00; http://lattes.cnpq.br/9244474518505985This research is linked to the Graduate Program in Education UFMT, Campus Rondonópolis. Consisted in a study focused on the investigation of the writings themselves - with memorials training - practical training as a teacher. Inserted in the qualitative approach works with autobiographical narratives. For its development, it has taken up as basis readings of productions that deal with memorials in the constitution of teaching, with the aim of contributing to and reflections that are being developed in Brazil in recent years, especially in the field of mathematics education. As further research in this area, this research focuses on the formation of teaching identity construction with students of Bachelor Course of Mathematics, class of 2009, UFMT, Campus Rondonópolis (CUR) and is part of a larger project approved by the Observatory for Education between the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (PUC-SP) and UFMT. The teaching identity is understood in this research, as a movement of constant tension of the interaction between the subject and their individual experiences and professional, but within a continuum, since the construction of professional identity is movement, is timeless and constant. Worth reporting that this study stands out by investigating subjects without experience in teaching and expressing the memorials, perceptions of their teacher training course. The goal of research is to Analyze the evidence of teaching identity construction of undergraduates in formation in the Course of Mathematics UFMT / CUR. Adopted as research questions: Is there evidence of constitution of teaching identity in narratives (auto) biographies of Undergraduates in Mathematics? How to present themselves personal and educational trajectory of these future teachers? What undergraduates indicate as foundational aspects for its teacher training, from training experiences offered by the Mathematics Course CUR / UFMT? What experiences and practices are mobilizing more reflections on the future profession? The data, collected between 2009 to 2012, showed that subjects describe themselves forming a professional identity in teaching formal and informal spaces, which are influenced by models that marked their schooling. Explain, yet, they want to be teachers, emphasizing the importance of participating in projects oriented, value disciplines that involve practical rationality, because they believe that they allow the redefinition of pedagogical practice. Finally, I hear one of the guys from the narrative analysis, comprising diachronically its formation process, ie, the formation of identity in teaching mathematics. The research also reveals to analyze the memorial of a graduate student in degree over the four years of training, the process of becoming a math teacher occurs in alternating movements, through former teachers and models for other forms of identification, including family and friends, for reflections on practices experienced in Pibid (Institutional Scholarship program Initiation to Teaching) and especially on stage.
- ItemA apropriação da escrita por alunos da 3ª fase do I ciclo : um estudo com sequências didáticas(Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso, 2014-04-23) Silva, Joselita Maria Silva e; Cardoso, Cancionila Janzkovski; 318.155.451-00; http://lattes.cnpq.br/0310526239909234; Cardoso, Cancionila Janzkovski; 318.155.451-00; http://lattes.cnpq.br/0310526239909234; Rodrigues, Sílvia de Fátima Pilegi; 593.733.931-20; http://lattes.cnpq.br/4246647189370104; Leal, Telma Ferraz; 401.288.814-53; http://lattes.cnpq.br/2358658346044158; Salgado, Raquel Gonçalves; 001.646.567-90; http://lattes.cnpq.br/1165554868380123This research was developed in the graduate program in education at the Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso, Rondonópolis campus and inside the ALFALE research group. Presents an approach in the teaching of textual genre fable through didactic sequences. Come across children with problems of textual production, during the teaching, motivated the investigation of the phenomenon. Similarly, issues like a low performance in writing and the grounds of the school doesn't always handle produce competent writers, future citizens aware and critics inserted in society. The doubt that if to intensify work with textual production would result in a better learning emerged, as well as which procedure permanent this appropriation. The overall objective of the study is to assess the contribution of the didactic sequences for learning of textual genres for students of the early years of elementary school and the specifics are to understand how the didactic sequences, while pedagogical instrument, interfere in the appropriation of the text genres by students; investigate the relationships between the didactic strategies by means of didactic sequences and results about the textual production capacities of students; evaluate the progress achieved during the teaching process by means of didactic sequences in the productions of textual students. Bakhtin and other textual genres which address theoretical underlying the study. The didactic sequences, in perspectives of Dolz, Noverraz and Schneuwly, contributed to the writing of texts ownership of students. The research methodology had intervention slant, using interviews with teachers, classroom observation and planning set of didactic sequences, focusing on two classes of phase 3 of the first cycle of a total of 47 public school students. Of these, 12 were selected as evaluation criterion of Municipal Education Assessment System (LEAVE), of which the texts were analyzed. Data analysis was performed taking into account the General category "Fitness to the genre", as a means of checking whether the texts if not appropriate, organised partly or completely suited to the written proposal. Secondarily, were established subcategories: the Intertextuality in writing); b) ownership/consolidation of writing; c) punctuation marks and d) brands of orality in written. The results showed that the initial productions, 2 students have addressed his writings to the genre of partial form, 7 non-suited and 3 completely. Were worked in didactic sequences activities, which helped students better understand the genres covered and thus the final productions, 2 students have adapted their texts partially, 4 non-suitable and 6 completely to the fable genre. These results allow to conclude that if that teaching is taught through didactic sequences, the possibilities of success in the appropriation of writing by students will be bigger.
- Item“Aquele prédio branco” : influências, interpretações e traduções na atuação da política de gestão do IFMT no Campus Rondonópolis (2014-2018)(Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso, 2019-12-20) Pires, Christiane Camilo; Garske, Lindalva Maria Novaes; 318.149.721-53; http://lattes.cnpq.br/1703129875647473; Garske, Lindalva Maria Novaes; 318.149.721-53; http://lattes.cnpq.br/1703129875647473; Carvalho, Ademar de Lima; 138.040.731-15; http://lattes.cnpq.br/6926944750460343; Rocha, Edimárcio Francisco da; 815.131.781-72; http://lattes.cnpq.br/7403353280796241This dissertation is a results from a research registered in the Research Line Teacher Training and Educational Public Policies, of the Graduate Program in Education, Federal University of Mato Grosso, University Campus of Rondonópolis (PPGEdu / UFMT / CUR), having as theme the IFMT Management Policy. Its general objective is to understand what is the interpretation and translation of the subjects of the practice, that is, the professionals who work at Campus Rondonópolis, about the institutional management policy present in the IFMT PDI. Structured as a qualitative approach, was used a method in the approach of the Policy Cycle, proposed by Stephen Ball and Richard Bowe, as a analyses referral. This approach proposes a critical, nonlinear, multidisciplinary and global analysis of the educational policy trajectory, organized in three interrelational contexts: context of influence, context of text production and context of practice, each one presenting arenas, places and interest groups, involving debates and negotiations. The study was conducted considering that policies are not implemented, are staged, put into action, interpreted and translated, materialized in different and varied ways, so professionals are not mere implementers, the actors involved have control over the process. In this perspective, to direct and meet the general objective of this research, three specific objectives were formulated. Regarding the first, investigating the circumstances and possible influences and trends that underlie IFMT management policy, sought to situate in a historical context, taking into account determinations and contradictions, the emergence of IFMT, through a brief discussion about the history of the Federal Network. Regarding the second, discussing the meanings presented in the IFMT management policy, based on the PDI document 2014-2018, we approached from the Federal Institutes organizational model the management in IFMT, especially in Campus / Rondonopolis. Regarding the third, to verify the interpretations and translations of the actors participants on the research about the IFMT management policy, turned to the performance of this policy, based on the document of PDI 2014-2018, conducting semi-structured interviews with 6 IFMT / Rondonópolis employees who, to a greater or lesser extent, acted in the drafting of the document and also in management functions during its term. It was possible to observe that the PDI is characterized as a representation of politics in which the interpretations of the subjects of the practice congregate, in the formulation of institutional strategies, as a guide of their actions, which are translated into a “more didactic” language through the formulation of various tactics in order to ensure compliance with the expectations of institutional strategies; and that the interviewees present different readings of reality, according to the role that each actor plays in the institutional plot and the diversity of situations that they had to deal with to put politics on the scene, dealing with interpretations and translations essentially contradictory, sometimes democratic sometimes the management.
- ItemAqui não é lugar de entrar no Facebook, aqui é a escola : crianças, seus espaços vivenciais e usos das mídias e novas tecnologias no contexto educativo(Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso, 2015-03-30) Queiroz, Fabiana Rodrigues Oliveira; Salgado, Raquel Gonçalves; 001.646.567-90; http://lattes.cnpq.br/1165554868380123; Salgado, Raquel Gonçalves; 001.646.567-90; http://lattes.cnpq.br/1165554868380123; Mariano, Carmem Lúcia Sussel; 110.746.018-23; http://lattes.cnpq.br/6604877443132931; Lopes, Jader Janer Moreira; 722.831.146-91; http://lattes.cnpq.br/4297078672618566The research brings to the discussion the spatial experiences of children in view of the relationships they establish with the media and new technologies and what these cultural apparatuses have engendered in their lives, especially in spaces intended for education. In this sense, aims to understand the meanings children attribute to present times and spaces in the school context and the uses that make them in interactions with peers and adults, permeated by experiences with the media and new technologies. The theme is justified from the view that, in the media and technological environment of the contemporary era, children have experienced own experiences, in a very different way from those of a few years ago. To turn our attention to the temporal-spatial experiences of the everyday school life of children, which calls our attention is the possibility of a dissonance between the child's contemporary and modern school, which still holds the procedural teaching model and cumulative , using the knowledge transmission as collateral to promote learning. In addition, there are tensions in this field to be discussed, which are related, among other things, the boundaries between children who have and those without access to transmedia network as well as the effects engendered by this in their ways of being act and relate with each other. The research is anchored in the conceptual and methodological tools of childhood studies, especially Geography of Childhood, budding area of expertise that allows us to understand the relationships of children with the space as an integral part of their lives. Consist also in theoretical and methodological contributions the concepts of dialogism, otherness and chronotope, Mikhail Bakhtin, and theoretical perspectives that address, critically, the aspects related to the uses that children make of media and technological artifacts of today as well as its implications. The field research is qualitative, ethnographic type, and had the locus a public state school, located in the central region of Rondonópolis, Mato Grosso. With the participation of 27 children, aged between 10 and 11 years old, belonging to the class "B", the 2nd phase of the 2nd cycle (5th year) afternoon. We adopt as instruments participant observation, questionnaires, interviews and conducting work with experiential maps. The data collected from these instruments served as subsidies to give us greater understanding of the way children attribute to the school environment in which they operate, as well as to the uses that make it from their experiences, with the media and the new technologies. As a way of making recordings during this period, I have relied on the notes in a field diary, the film during the making of experiential maps made by children and audio recording during interviews. The analysis reveals that children demonstrate how and autonomy in their relations with the technologies, as well as reveal a redefinition of the statements coming from the media universe. In addition, they create and recreate meanings of school space, giving it new settings.
- ItemArquivo, educação e memória : o fundo documental da Escola Sagrado Coração de Jesus(Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso, 2013-03-19) Luz, Joel Martins; Amâncio, Lázara Nanci de Barros; 687.440.568-34; http://lattes.cnpq.br/5217828534180561; Amâncio, Lázara Nanci de Barros; 687.440.568-34; http://lattes.cnpq.br/5217828534180561; Cardoso, Cancionila Janzkovski; 318.155.451-00; http://lattes.cnpq.br/0310526239909234; Arena, Dagoberto Buim; 538.393.238-00; http://lattes.cnpq.br/9019185751164438This dissertation aims to discuss and understand the capabilities of the file's School Sagrado Coração de Jesus- from the perspective of the history of education - as a place of memory of students, pupils, teachers and the whole city in general. Its approach is grounded in the concepts and discussions between memory (the effects of globalization, cultural identity, the feeling of memory and the relationship with the historical field), history (of the schools) and files (concepts, definitions, usage and access ). It has to be used by Stuart Hall (2006), Le Goff (1996), Maurice Halbwachs (1990), Pierre Nora (1993), in others, to conceptual questions theme memory and an extensive literature review situational and about researches that has addressed similar issues this research on the school files. The methodological procedures were those that usually apply to historical research, so we resorted to location, meeting, organization, selection and analysis of documentary sources. As ground memory, as has been the scenario file State School Sagrado Coração de Jesus, in teaching traditional confessional city of Rondonópolis, Mato Grosso, founded in 1949 by the Congregation of the Catechetical Sisters Fransciscanas. Through a diagnosis of your condition and conservation of documents in possession of the file at the school, it was possible to record and analyze the documentation from the 1950s until the 2000s, and with it, elect a significant part of the memory of that institution. Knowledge of documentary records schoolchildren, their wealth and potential, convince us of the need to propose a challenge with respect to school work, aiming to raise awareness of its staff and academic as the importance of building and preserving their memory, before constant challenges and changes that schools in general, are inserted.
- ItemArte e cultura juvenil no contexto escolar : “e alguém aqui quer saber o que o jovem tem a dizer sobre isso?”(Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso, 2016-09-15) Mariano, Lucianne Gomes da Silva; Mariano, Carmem Lúcia Sussel; 110.746.018-23; http://lattes.cnpq.br/6604877443132931; Mariano, Carmem Lúcia Sussel; 110.746.018-23; http://lattes.cnpq.br/6604877443132931; Willms, Elni Elisa; 265.848.831-91; http://lattes.cnpq.br/2998670515021403; Souza, Leonardo Lemos de; 251.395.478-56; http://lattes.cnpq.br/6444203522447403; Ostetto, Luciana Esmeralda; 464.504.249-15; http://lattes.cnpq.br/7470127128501920This master’s thesis was developed within the Master Degree Program in Education of Federal University of Mato Grosso, in Rondonópolis city, in the line of research Language, culture and knowledge construction process. It was composed within the Study Group Childhood, Youth and Contemporary Culture (GEIJC, Grupo de Estudos Infância e Juventude na Cultura Contemporânea). This research aims to investigate the possible processes of dialog among art and youth cultures in educational context. Therefore, it is supported by Youth Studies and Art-education theories in Brazil. The purpose of this inquiry is to reflect on/problematize the art teaching at school based on students’ perspectives. The theoretical background of this study is the intervention research applied to childhood and youth. We developed the research following two distinct steps. The first stage of this study aimed to understand the universe created by students through art classes and also to comprehend their relationship with this subject. One hundred twelve scholars cooperated with this first stage. The second step presented an ample approach. Seventeen students participated promoting discussions and exchanging experiences which surpass curriculum proposals. The participants pointed out some relevant questions raised from art classes, such as: unqualified teachers, fragmented contents, lack of contextualization, chronological limitation for classes and proposed activities, scarcity of materials, greater appreciation for the final product instead of valorization of the creation process and connection between aesthetics and technique which contributes for depreciation of art in the educational context. Data indicate a pedagogical practice adult-centered with scripts predetermined and planned upon safe bets. Teachers define “how”, “when’ and “where” to make art following pedagogical recipes. They do not provide tools (cognitive, material, pedagogical or chronological) to stimulate students’ creativity and autonomy. Moreover, young people constitute relationships seeking belongingness and acceptance. For this reason, this inquiry conceives peer culture as a fundamental factor for youth’s identity construction. Our analysis highlighted a school culture full of discrepancies with pedagogical, curricular, instrumental, institutional, marked-based and symbolic mechanisms of control. School experiences are permeated by power relations: adults subordinate young people and they reproduce this attitude trying to subordinate their own colleagues. This research reveals that children and youth have a lot to say about education processes. Their contributions can help us to implement a democratic pedagogical practice in which reading and writing, speaking and listening, producing and learning can promote experiences further standardizations and categorizations proposed only for adults. Thus, this master’s thesis argues that is fundamental listening to our students to promote an effectively democratic and human education. Furthermore, adults must respect young people and stop conceiving students as passive objects of educational processes. Finally, we believe we have the great challenge to stablish a possible dialogue among art, school and youth culture, reflecting on educational field and its attributions and legitimations.
- ItemAspectos da produção escrita no Centro de Educação de Jovens e Adultos (CEJA)(Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso, 2012-12-11) Oliveira, Márcio Cândido de; Amâncio, Lázara Nanci de Barros; 687.440.568-34; http://lattes.cnpq.br/5217828534180561; Amâncio, Lázara Nanci de Barros; 687.440.568-34; http://lattes.cnpq.br/5217828534180561; Cardoso, Cancionila Janzkovski; 318.155.451-00; http://lattes.cnpq.br/0310526239909234; Ferreira, Norma Sandra de Almeida; 551.515.078-34; http://lattes.cnpq.br/6166901900638256This paper discusses aspects of writing practices of students of the 1st. phase of the High School of Educação de Jovens e Adultos (EJA), to aconceptualization of the rules learned and colloquial and the perspectives of literacy. This qualitative surveys draws on procedures of action-research, embedded in studies of authors who address the issue of language and its specificities. For its development, resorted to the field work, the application of interviews with teachers and students of the Centro de Educação de Jovens e Adultos – CEJA, to achieve those goals, such as: to know studies already made on the relations between the two practical language skills: reading and writing, setting out the distinctions between them; to identify and characterize the specifics of the use of written language in the material collected from the research subjects, as well as adequacy of its kind; to know the proposed area of teaching “Language, Codes and Their Technologies”, addressed to the mother language in the CEJA.. Through a socio-educational perspective, taking into consideration the age factor, are related reading, writing and education of young and adult people as a justification for conducting a research tangent to these issues. The language, in this research, it isunderstood as a set in which means nothing by itself, but it meansin terms of the other elements. There is need to integrate our students, especially young and adults studied here, with a broader and more expressive language, taking into account the whole lexical and semantic already seized in early life at school. Considering that the formation of readers and writers students is a fulltime job, orality has the same interactional dimension that was intended for writing and reading. So, we intend with this work does not show specific solutions to the questions posed in the classroom but to question, lead to reflection – both the possible readers of this work as the research subjects themselves – about the brands that can be perceived in the writing texts and its relationship with orality, always taking as its starting point the theoretical conceptions about the subject in question. In this context, is sorry to see the school, in its new modalities that innovate only in nomenclature, walks with the same steps of its origin. Thus, this work asks us to rethink what school we want: the same as our ancestors or we are other, with other needs and desires?
- ItemAssistência estudantil, domesticação e libertação em debate : o contexto da UFMS, Campus de Coxim(Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso, 2019-03-15) Vaneli Junior, Dário; Carvalho, Ademar de Lima; 138.040.731-15; http://lattes.cnpq.br/6926944750460343; Carvalho, Ademar de Lima; 138.040.731-15; http://lattes.cnpq.br/6926944750460343; Garske, Lindalva Maria Novaes; 318.149.721-53; http://lattes.cnpq.br/1703129875647473; Maciel, Carina Elisabeth; 489.669.241-15; http://lattes.cnpq.br/4726577463139954This thesis is a result of a research linked to the Postgraduate Program in Education of the Federal University of Mato Grosso, university campus of Rondonópolis (PPGEdu/UFMT/CUR). It has as object of study the policy of student assistance, materialized by the National Program of Student Assistance (Pnaes), with the objective of analyzing it, from the discourse of its beneficiaries, considering the totality of individuals linked to it (teachers and technician responsible in the facility). It presents as context the campus of Coxim of the Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul (CPCX/UFMS), emphasizing that it is a policy aimed at the Federal Institutions of Higher Education (IFES). It has as central question understanding if the policy serves for the domestication or for the liberation of the assisted, taking as theoretical support some of the writings of Paulo Freire and of other authors, which contribute in the elucidation of the context of education and of the current world. The research method follows the dialectic perspective, in other words, utilizes only some of the concepts of this method, from Karl Marx and other authors who do a rereading of the essence of this phenomenon. The choice of the theme is justified by the professional practice of the author as an Administrative Technician in CPCX, since, from this experience, ended up noticing deficiencies and limitations in the elaboration, administration, operationalization and evaluation of the policy, primarily in relation to the campuses in the cities outside the capital of the State, since each one has its reality and individuals with specific necessities. In this perspective, it is considered a research of qualitative type, parting from a review of bibliography and applicable legislation on the theme. As main technique in the data collection, it is used semi-structured interview with the beneficiary academics of the two main actions of student assistance existing in CPCX: The Permanency Aid and The Food Aid. The theoretical reference views education as a practice of freedom, a State aimed at the service to the necessities of the most, with a popular and dialectic university, for the education of a dialogic human being, centered in the resolution of the problems in his or her time, who takes care of himself or herself, of the other and the planet he or she lives in. From the voice of the beneficiary academics, subjects of this research, in dialogue with the bibliographies and the legislations, it is evidenced, at first, the absence of their participation, as well as the teachers, in the elaboration, administration and evaluation of the policy in the institution, which makes it bureaucratic, verticalized and in a donation perspective. On the other hand, moments of awareness and impervious participation are confirmed, which indicate the necessity of making it more flexible and democratic, avoiding that it favors the culture of individualism, lack of reflection and increased competitiveness, or, even, the possibility of ingenuous and not reflective acknowledgment. Student assistance is a recent accomplishment of the grassroot classes (ten years). Strengthening the access and the permanency in the university, improving it in the institution, in order to reach the proposed objectives in the legislation, or, if necessary resignify them, aiming at a university which is popular and dialectic, with democratic policies of participative construction, founded in the dialogue, collaborating in the liberation of the ones who to it have access, is presented as a challenge.
- ItemAtuação educativa de êxito de biblioteca tutorada : uma análise de conteúdo das produções científicas entre o período de 2005 a 2015 em fontes nacionais e internacionais(Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso, 2017-03-28) Sousa, Gleicy Aparecida de; Rodrigues, Eglen Sílvia Pipi; 535.132.151-34; http://lattes.cnpq.br/3996413567500385; Rodrigues, Eglen Silvia Pipi; 535.132.151-34; http://lattes.cnpq.br/3996413567500385; Cunha, Érika Virgílio Rodrigues da; 568.853.421-49; http://lattes.cnpq.br/1583175347126296; Braga, Fabiana Marini; 180.891.878-97; http://lattes.cnpq.br/1103496815216263So, several questions raised from these findings: Why does the Tutored library, a learning enhancing space, it is not being implemented such as other AEEs? What elements do confirm CREA’s affirmation about the learning enhancing promoted by the Tutored Library project? How do Tutored Library work? Are there any researches about Tutored Library in Latin America? The main goal of this investigation is to identify what has been produced scientifically about Tutored Library between 2005 and 2015. Our specific goals are: characterize the AEE of the Tutored Library (functionally and organization); identify learning enhancing elements of Tutored Library within scientific productions; situate scientific productions and analyze them. This is a bibliographic study developed within a qualitative approach based on “Content analysis”. The analysis of these productions answered our questionings, anguishes and concerns. We would like to obtain more scientific productions about Tutored Library project, but it was not possible. The localized number of scientific productions did not meet our expectations, however, it motivated us to search in this scenario, to research more about the Tutored Library, to know other schools that develop AEE, to identify the contexts in which it is inserted, Other researches, so that, in this way, we appropriate an object not yet known. Another interesting point was the frequency of the recording units present in the texts analyzed. The less-mentioned registry units are among the important elements in the Tutored Library, which is the educational participation of the community and the length of class time. By breaking with the barrier that separates the surrounding community and the school, we consolidate actions and partnerships that will help all the subjects involved in this space of the school to be transformed in some way, with values, moral, scientific knowledge, literacy, reading among others Learning. In concluding the analyzes we feel the need not only to have a scientific production that unifies the productions that we find. We consider the research to be unfinished, because the initial objectives indicated the lack of accompanying the development of a Tutored Library, so that we can articulate our contribution to a meaningful experience, which may be possible as we continue the studies and research on the subject discussed, to To identify the reasons why this AEE has not been disseminated in the same way as the others.
- ItemAvaliação na educação infantil : significados propostos em políticas educacionais e suas interpretações no contexto da prática(Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso, 2020-11-24) Silva, Dineuza Conceição de Souza; Garske, Lindalva Maria Novaes; 318.149.721-53; http://lattes.cnpq.br/1703129875647473; Garske, Lindalva Maria Novaes; 318.149.721-53; http://lattes.cnpq.br/1703129875647473; Cunha, Érika Virgílio Rodrigues da; 568.853.421-49; http://lattes.cnpq.br/1583175347126296; Oliveira, Daniele Ramos de; 338.099.898-27; http://lattes.cnpq.br/6555652901907604This master thesis is a result of a research linked to the research line Teacher Education and Education Public Policies, of the Postgraduate Program in Education of the Human and Social Sciences Institute of the Federal University of Mato Grosso (PPGEdu/ICHS/UFMT). The general objective of the research is to analyze the significances of assessment in Early Childhood Education proposed in the national and municipal documents and their (re)interpretations in the discourses of teaching professionalsintwoEarlyChildhoodEducationMunicipalCenters (CMEI) of Rondonópolis, Mato Gosso. The empiric was composed by federal documents signed by the Minister of Education (MEC), the National Council of Education (CNE) and, within the municipal scope by the Municipal Secretary of Education (SEMED) and still the interviews with 05 (five) teachers who teach in two centers of Early Childhood Education in the city of Rondonópolis-MT. To guide the procedures of the research, the option was for the qualitative research, with a methodological basis on the Policy Cycles, proposed by Stephen Ball and Richard Bowe (1992). The gathering of the research data included document analysis and semi structured interviews. The discourse analysis was conducted basedonthestudiesof Michel Foucault. In the contexts of influence and written production, the analyses indicate that the education policies were elaborated in a scenery of advances of neoliberalism, being marked by international influences, privatist movements, as well as by the fight of social organizations represented by families and education professionals. It was observed that the significances and meanings of assessment in Early Childhood Education proposed in the analyzed documents dialogue with the theoretical studies of assessment in the constructivist/interactionist vision, or respondent constructive, which conceives assessment as a continuous, participative and democratic process. In the reinterpretations of the teachers, in the context of the practice, the analysis enabled determining that, predominantly, assessment is signified as observation of the development of the child and reflection about the pedagogical practice. The discourses reveal that the main difficulties found in the assessment process are related to the records, being the writing of reports pointed out by most of the teachers as the biggest challenge. The speech of the interviewees point out the necessity of more studies andcollectivedebatesaboutassessmentinenvironmentsof continuous teacher education.
- ItemA Base Curricular Nacional Comum e as implicações para a construção do currículo crítico comunicativo(Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso, 2018-03-20) Cardoso, Valdeíra Aparecida; Rodrigues, Eglen Sílvia Pipi; 535.132.151-34; http://lattes.cnpq.br/3996413567500385; Rodrigues, Eglen Silvia Pipi; 535.132.151-34; http://lattes.cnpq.br/3996413567500385; Carvalho, Ademar de Lima; 138.040.731-15; http://lattes.cnpq.br/6926944750460343; Santos, Catarina de Almeida; 780.381.971-00; http://lattes.cnpq.br/5082833181682586This research has inserted in the Group of Studies of Dialogical Learning (GEAD), in the field of research called Teacher Training. It has linked to the Graduate Program in Education of the Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso, Campus Rondonópolis. It is supported by studies on curriculum and popular education that guide our view to reflect on the conceptual bases of the Critical Communicative Curriculum. It can contribute to think about an educational proposal that has enhanced the diversity presents in the school community. Our aim to analyze the conceptions substantiate the concept of diversity, solidarity and equity the presented in official document Common National Curricular Basis. Our corpus of analysis is composed by the work of Donatila Ferrada Torres who presents the concept of Critical Communicative Curriculum as a proposal of possibility of equity for all boys and girls independently of the socioeconomic contexts to which they are inserted. It also has composed our corpus of analysis, academic articles published from the resonance of the mentioned work and which, according to preestablished criteria, were considered publications in the field of Education. For this purpose, we have adopted as a research methodology the reference of Nadja Hermann (2002), which proposes to reflect the pedagogical action as a means to enable a new interpretation and reinterpretation of the educational field questioning the ways of educating, teaching and learning, understanding and dialogue. We still have John B. Thompson (2011) on depth hermeneutics (HP), and applying the technique of content analysis, as advocated by Laurence Bardin (1977). The curricular proposal presented also assumes the challenge of mobilizing actions so that a communicative rationality can be incorporated as an integral part of the curricular proposals, making it possible to rethink the school institution with a view to equality of difference (FERRADA, 2001). In the corpus analyzed, we identify that tha concept of diversity, solidarity and equity presentend in the oficial BNCC document whitc do not agree whith the founding elements of the Critical Comunicaive Curriculun since they develop a discourse without deepening that ends up contributing, perhaps reinforcing the social inequalities and prejudice in Brazilian schools.
- ItemA biblioteca universitária como instrumento para a formação acadêmica : significados dos profissionais da Biblioteca Regional da UFMT/Câmpus Rondonópolis(Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso, 2018-02-20) Valeriano, Renata Bezerra; Garske, Lindalva Maria Novaes; 318.149.721-53; http://lattes.cnpq.br/1703129875647473; Garske, Lindalva Maria Novaes; 318.149.721-53; http://lattes.cnpq.br/1703129875647473; Baldan, Merilin; 315.234.868-13; http://lattes.cnpq.br/1459099126062848; Albuquerque, Ana Cristina de; 254.950.008-38; http://lattes.cnpq.br/4752632781155101Higher education has undergone many transformations due the advances of the science and technology of the information and communication, at the same time the access to higher education has been expanded, providing academic education to many Brazilians. In this scenario of changes, the university libraries have also advanced, being necessary the constant update of the bibliographical archive, the supply of new information services and a team of prepared professionals to meet the needs of the information and research of the academic community. Therefore, the current study has the objective of investigating what meaning the administrative technician servants in Education of the Regional Library of UFMT/Campus of Rondonópolis assign to the existing relationship between the exercise of their function and the academic education, in the perspective of contributing to the redimensioning of their professional practice. In this aspect, the theoretical reference about the role of the university libraries and of its staff was constructed mainly based on Amante (2007; 2010), Amante, Extremeño Placer e Costa (2012), Destro (1996), Gelfand (1968), Gómez Hernández e Licea de Arenas (2005), Milanesi (1983; 2013), Orera Orera (2005), Ranganathan (2009), Sepúlveda (2002) and Thompson e Carr (1990), which also theoretically support the data analysis. To reach the research objectives, we embraced the Communicative Investigation Methodology, based on the theoretical-methodological premise of Habermas (2012) and Freire (1991; 2001; 2011; 2013; 2015a; 2015b), which besides describing and explaining reality, comprehending it and interpreting, also aims at transforming it, seeking to understand how the meanings construct themselves communicatively. Thus, we held groups of communicative discussion with four professionals of the referred Library. The data analysis was conducted intersubjectively between the researcher and the participants according to the four topics discussed in the groups. The interpretation of the data of each topic resulted on a synthesis of the excluding dimensions and transformations. The resulting information of the empirical research shows that the meaning construction of the professionals in relation to the exercise of their function in the university library and the academic education are directly related to the lack of in-service education and training, since the four participants are administrative technician servants in Education, with diverse preparations, yet no training from UFMT. Another identified aspect is the absence of meaning attributed by the actual academic community: management, faculty, students and administrative technician servants of UFMT.
- ItemBullying e homofobia : um estudo com adolescentes de uma escola pública(Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso, 2014-04-22) Rockenbach, Patrícia Bernardi; Souza, Leonardo Lemos de; 251.395.478-56; http://lattes.cnpq.br/6444203522447403; Souza, Leonardo Lemos de; 251.395.478-56; http://lattes.cnpq.br/6444203522447403; Mariano, Carmem Lúcia Sussel; 110.746.018-23; http://lattes.cnpq.br/6604877443132931; Lepre, Rita Melissa; 121.056.318-51; http://lattes.cnpq.br/9109045495650654This research aimed to investigate, from the Thought’s Organizers Models Theory, the representations of teenagers, in other words, how they think, feel and act in situations of students homophobic bullying, as well as the moral aspects that are related. Considering theories of morality and studies on bullying and adolescence, questionnaires were administered in a public school in Rondonópolis/MT. Teens (43 adolescents) aged 13 to 17 years old answered a questionnaire about what they admire in people and in themselves, if they already assaulted another person and if have been attacked and four other questions for a story, produced by the researcher, which describes a scene of bullying at school. In all answers moral elements as well as the feelings and thoughts about the bullying phenomenon, particularly with respect to victimization, were analyzed. The results showed that adolescents participants know and indicate moral and ethical values as relevant to life. Regarding own experience in bullying situations, most of them have been or still is a victim of bullying (58,14%) and the minority is or was the author of bullying (18,61%). Thought’s organizers models founded in the answers relating to the fictional story of homophobic bullying demonstrate wide variety of thoughts, feelings, meanings and implications of these adolescents, which characterizes the importance of content in the construction of reasoning, in resolution of conflicts and interpretation of reality. It is possible to tell that there are evidences that the perspective of the victim, at the replies, homophobic bullying should be denied or minimized, under the justification to intensify recurrence. This situation also points that there are few positives answers, to foster critical and guarantee of rights by the own student group. It can be said that the group studied, from these data, the bullying is being naturalized in the school, because the actions against aggression, demonstrated by the participants, are negligible. These responses reinforce the importance of changing the educational paradigm, valuing discussions and critical reflection of the school reality.