Licenciandos em formação : os memoriais como registro do movimento de constituição da identidade profissional

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Militz, Noeli
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Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso
This study aimed to investigate the memorials of training adopted with undergraduates and their possible contributions to encourage, empower and mobilize reflections on the history of formation and formation processes of teacher professional identity, based on the narratives of individuals - those who go through the process from forming. Memorials training were adopted throughout the Pedagogy of UFMT Campus Rondonopolis, from the first semester of 2009, being aided by a written script that urged future teachers to write about their experiences, experiences and learning, each phase of training, taking into account the life history and curriculum of the course. The survey pointed up specific objectives, study and understand the "self-written", the subjects in training, trying to analyze the possibilities for training memorials constitute instruments in revealing this process, examine the possibility of memorials propitiate undergraduates to understand and realize the feelings, sensations and learning experienced in the path of becoming teachers, as interconnected and constitutive of the construction of teacher identity. The purpose of this research has its origin in the approved project in the Centre of Education, in partnership and inter-institutional between UFMT and PUC-SP, which has as highlight the adoption of memorials, there are instigators issues that mobilize the research, namely: What reflections memorials training in the lead when undergraduates instigate writing about yourself? What memorials record the students in training on the contributions of the School of Education for its teacher training? The memorial adopted six months of training in research instruments consisted of propellants undergraduates reflections on their training in the School of Education, as well as to perceptions about the process of identity formation experienced in teaching? To answer the questions, we sought to support the qualitative approach, the method and the autobiographical story of life, which guided the methodological procedures requiring an initial screening, among 46 students in the class, and their four undergraduates memorials training, collected during two years and a half of training. Data collection took place biannually in the years 2009, 2010 and 2011, totaling five narratives of each subject in a longitudinal study, adding up, then a volume of 20 memorials training analysis. The criterion for the selection of four undergraduates was due to the punctuality, interest and availability to participate in the research, thus enabling to share their trajectories, advances and retreats with the researcher and also the feasibility of making it possible to analyze the data present in memorials. The data showed that only undergraduates they conducted the process of remembering, bringing to light reflecting and writing about advances and setbacks, difficulties, aspirations, interests and investments to "become teachers" from the memorials of training, and that caused instigated at the "written on them," stories of life and curriculum of the course. This procedure made it possible to perceive the movement and the process of setting up their teaching identity.
MILITZ, Noeli. Licenciandos em formação: os memoriais como registro do movimento de constituição da identidade profissional. 2012. 107 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Educação) - Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso, Instituto de Ciências Humanas e Sociais, Rondonópolis, 2012.