Cartilha do Araguaia “... Estou lendo!!!” : seu circuito de comunicação (1978 -1989)
Rodrigues, Alessandra Pereira Carneiro
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Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso
This ongoing study at the Post-Graduation Program in Education at UFMT/Rondonópolis,
state of Mato Grosso, Brazil, ALFALE research group, is related to reading and school books
history field and is based on the “communication circuit”, a model proposed by Robert
Darnton (1990), so that books can be analyzed. This paper aims to: 1) analyze the life cycle
of the school book “... Estou Lendo!!!” (I‟m Reading!!!), by means of a model proposed by
Darnton (1990) and 2) salvage and analyze the elements that compose the set of the regional
course book “...Estou Lendo!!!” (I‟m Reading!!!). Prior studies point out that the state of
Mato Grosso is mostly a consumer than a producer market of school course books. Therefore,
once having in hand a regional course book, organized by mato-grossense authors (that is,
those ones born in the state of Mato Grosso), it highlights how worthwhile it is the source it is
herein researched. From the methodological point of view, such study uses ordinary
procedures in the historic driven researches, consisting in finding, meeting, organizing and
analyzing the oral and documental sources, which may help to comprehend aspects of the
object under investigation. It is a historical background research, which is after subsidies in
both Cultural History and Book History fields. This research is based on the following
writers/thinkers, related to cultural history (BURKE, 2005; LE GOFF, 2001 and CHARTIER,
1990), school culture (JULIA, 2001), Education history (LOPES; GALVÃO, 2001), book
history (DARNTON, 1990; CHOPPIN, 2004 and BITTENCOURT, 2008) and to the literacy
field (TFOUNI, 2010; KLEIMAN, 1995 and SOARES, 2010). Since it is about a regional
course book, this very research is based on studies by mato-grossense regional historiography
scholars (AMÂNCIO, 2008, CARDOSO; AMÂNCIO, 2005 and CARDOSO, 2009). The
temporal demarcation of this research focuses on the years 1978 to 1989. In 1978 the
“Elementary School In-Class Performance Human Resources Training Course” was offered in
the region – a summer course, designed for lay teachers, fact regarded as the beginning of the
course book “...Estou Lendo!!!” (I‟m Reading!). The year 1989 brings the end of the
periodization, based on data collected through written sources. The analyzes show a
nationwide context in which the educational failure stands out, especially when moving from
the first grade to the second one in elementary school, which is faced by public policies
supplied by the Education Ministry as well as the state and municipal secretariats of
education. In the regional context, the municipality of São Félix do Araguaia, in the state of
Mato Grosso, the performance by its Prelacy, managed by bishop Pedro Casaldáliga Pla, is on
the spotlight, in a historical moment of fights for land possession. From the educational point
of view, the church and the state are united in the proposition of offering a training course for
in-class teachers, adopting Paulo Freire‟s perspective regarding emancipatory literacy. It is in
such context that arises the course to be analyzed. The data brings evidence that the literacy
teachers in the Araguaia region, inserted in a political struggle context, can be considered
pioneers, back in early 1984, in developing schooling practices which involve the very act of
teaching of spelling and literacy, possible to be seen in the course book/literacy book “...Estou
Lendo!!!” (I‟m Reading!).
RODRIGUES, Alessandra Pereira Carneiro, Cartilha do Araguaia “... Estou lendo!!!”: seu circuito de comunicação (1978 -1989). 2012. 119 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Educação) - Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso, Instituto de Ciências Humanas e Sociais, Rondonópolis, 2012.