Educar em valores : representações de pais e professores

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Arruda, Emerson de
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Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso
This present paper engage itself for human morality field, understanding family and school like fundamental social spaces of moral and ethcs values constructions. Not always this institutions have consistency in education that is given in its socio-educational space, usually establishing divergent relations and tension that need a coherent proposition of moral educattion and values. This paper assumes that moral education, not moralizing, have importante and defining role in the formation of people who will be able to analize, judgde and respect the news social models, paradigms and values. Its goals were identify the roles of parents and teachers about values in education and its relations betwen school and family in this education. In his investigative path, this paper elect the interpretive qualitative approach. The tecnique used in data colect was semistructured interviews, because this kind of interview is caracterized by tematic plot, and this make possible other questions arise in the investigative process. Were interviewed five teachers e four parents of one State public school, responsible for the fundamental teaching at Jaciara city, of Mato Grosso State, with about 300 students came from a variety social spaces. The data analyzed shows the imprecision in determine the concept and role of moral education and values, making only the family the socioeducational place responsable for moral education. Notes, too, the presence of heteronomous moral shaping, aspects of moral education like socialization that reinforce themselves in the interveiwde speech. About family-school relation, one and another recognizes the presence of tension, and that the family intitution walks distant of school setting. Nevertheless, besides all dificulties and limitation of undertanding that family and school shows about moral shaping, booth belives that educate with values is the way to build the reflectivity communion ethic, and that is necessary review its concepts, to every human been be is treated with respect and dignity.
ARRUDA, Emerson de. Educar em valores: representações de pais e professores. 2012. 142 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Educação) - Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso, Instituto de Ciências Humanas e Sociais, Rondonópolis, 2012.